On-Site Auctions

We host the auction and take care of the details.
Consigning items to the auctions at our location is simple and easy. Our yard has lots of room to accommodate everything from tractors to tools. We also have an indoor sales ring for smaller items and to host the sale in poor weather.
Pick-up can be arranged.
Mobile Auctions

We can take the auction to you.
When you have a lot of product to sell, such as an estate or farm sale, we can bring the auction to your location.
We have a portable auction topper, speakers, and record system to make these sales run smoothly.
This saves everyone time and hassle and it makes for a fun and exciting day.
Fundraisers and Charity Auctions

Our auctioneer also makes calls into the community. Add some fast paced energy and entertainment to your next event by having an auction. Sell anything from a belt buckle to a painting.
Previous sales include the Ducks Unlimited Banquet, Steinbach Arts Council Gala and Hanover Ag Fair.